Modern Producer Secrets

The Truth About Personal Branding

Episode Summary

There’s a dark secret that the uber-successful hide in plain sight.  They make it look like their brand is solely them, and the output level required to sustain that success may feel superhuman.  If these perceptions keep you from growing your brand, tune in to this episode. Cameron gets honest with his failed businesses and gives away top-level strategies to build a genuine personal brand in 2023.

Episode Notes

There’s a dark secret that the uber-successful hide in plain sight.  They make it look like their brand is solely them, and the output level required to sustain that success may feel superhuman.  If these perceptions keep you from growing your brand, tune in to this episode. Cameron gets honest with his failed businesses and gives away top-level strategies to build a genuine personal brand in 2023.   


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Producer & Host: Cameron Bashaw

Editorial: Cameron Bashaw

Edited in Descript, Try it for yourself!

Published by: Teknofonic Recordings LLC

Intro Song: The Bounty’s A Plenty (Roundhouse Soundtrack) – Cameron Bashaw

Outro song: Hymn For The Fallen (Roundhouse Soundtrack) – Cameron Bashaw


Modern Producer Secrets Podcast is brought to you by Music Producers Alliance®. We help music producers elevate their brands online so they can attract higher quality artists who will pay premium prices for their production services and make a bigger impact the music industry.